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exiles valor vamar mercs lackey 9780756402211 exiles valor sets the stage for many more books and the vamar as it currently is which makes it an important steppingstone in the series. a worthy read! this book to me is the foundation to a lot of timeline mistakes youll find later on. exiles valor vamar wiki fandom powered by wikia exiles valor is a book in the vamar series by mercs lackey. itals with alberich the weaponsmaster and the first few years of selenays reign as queen. alberich falls in love with another female herald herald chronicler myste and saves selenayom her new husband who dares to attack not just any companion but his wifes own companion. exiles valor heralds of vamar 7 by mercs lackey exiles valor follows alberich vamars weaponsmaster as he continues his covert operations in the peace immediately following the tedrel wars. alberich has been accepted by all of the heralds and most of the court as an honorable man loyal to vamar. he continues to serve as the weaponsmaster by day and covert agent by night. amazon customer reviews exiles valor vamar find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for exiles valor vamar at amazon. read honest and unbiased product reviewsom our users.
exiles valor book by mercs lackey thriftbooks buy a cheap copy of exiles valor book by mercs lackey. this standalone novel in the vamar series continues the story of prickly weaponsmaster alberich. once a heroic captain in the army of karse a kingdom at war. free shipping over 10. exiles valor by mercs lackey paperback barnes amp noble exiles valor is classic mercs topoftheline fantasy. paul goat allen. bn. making love and not war is the theme of lackeys entertaining high fantasy the second in a trilogy after 2002s exiles honor within her longrunning vamar seriesnot that love is any less of a battlefield. 1st signed by 2 heralds of vamar exiles valor by history of vamar book twelve. exiles valor. cover by jody a. lee signed. if this book is listed as a first edition it will also be a first printing. we do not consr later printings to be first editions. ebay!
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