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reckless bensons boys 1 by j elizabeth herson reckless bensons boys 1 by j elizabeth herson the new london office of benson security hasnt even opened its doors yet and already its neckep in its first case dimitri raast and megan donaldson have amon enemythe head of ananisation that specialises in human trafficking and sexual slavery. reckless benson security book 1 ebook j elizabeth reckless by j elizabeth herson is the first bookom bensons boys and its also the first book ive ever read by this author. this book is filled with loads of humour fun and action. its thrilling and fast paced and there were some great sex scenes. reckless bensons boys 1 by j elizabeth herson dimitri is a former army ranger and a new member of the new london office benson security. they kidnapped his sister katrina. then there is megan a sexy partner who gives him a run for his money. benson security bundle books 13 j elizabeth read the first three books in the award winning benson security series and fall in love with the dangerous and sexy heroes and heroines. book 1 reckless dimitri raast and megan donaldson have amon enemythe head of ananisation that specializes in human trafficking and sexual slavery.
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